Chapel Lane fishing club is a private fly fishing club which fishes the upper reaches of the Wye just outside High Wycombe in Bucks. It is part of the West Wycombe park river system which is fed by natural springs situated higher in the Chiltern Hills. We have a mixture of chalk stream and lake style fishing with a good hatch.
The fish are all full finned and hard fighting
The river and lake are stocked on a regular basis, this means that there is always a good fresh supply of fish that really like to fight!

The season is from the 1st of April to the 1st of October
West Wycombe has some of the finest chalk stream fishing available in Buckinghamshire.
We stock Rainbows up to 4lbs and have a natural stock of Browns, the largest of which so far was 6 1/2lbs
Memberships are available, if you would like further information, please contact Stephen or Grant by Email.